How to Save Money at the Grocery Store – 15 Practical Tips

If you feel like every visit to the grocery store is getting too expensive — you’re not alone. With inflation causing grocery prices to rise sharply, making the most out of every dollar is more important than ever. From mastering the art of meal planning to taking advantage of sales and coupons, here are 15 practical tips that will help you learn how to save money at the grocery store.

Young woman shopping in the supermarket
Woman shopping in the supermarket. Photo credit: Depositphotos

1. Master the Art of Meal Planning

One of the most effective ways to save money when grocery shopping is to master the art of meal planning. By preparing a weekly or monthly menu, you can strategically create shopping lists based on what you need which can minimize impulse buys and reduce food waste. You should consider choosing versatile ingredients that can be used across multiple meals to make the most out of your purchases. An excellent example is soy sauce eggs, perfect for enhancing the flavor of your Ramen.

2. Stay Informed about Sales Cycles

Grocery stores follow predictable sales cycles, with certain items becoming discounted at specific times of the year. By being aware of these cycles, you can seize the most favorable deals and save a lot of money. Make the most out of these sales events by stocking up on non-perishable items, and consider investing in a chest freezer to take advantage of discounted prices on frozen goods.

3. Compare Unit Prices

Understanding the unit price of items is crucial for making smart purchasing decisions. While larger packages may seem like a better deal, I recommend that you compare unit prices to ensure you’re getting the most value for your money. Most grocery stores display this information on shelf tags, making it easy to identify the best deals. Use a calculator or your smartphone to quickly find out which option is the most cost-effective.

Woman comparing two bottles in the grocery store
Woman comparing two bottles. Photo credit: Depositphotos

4. Sign Up for Store Loyalty Programs

Many grocery stores feature loyalty programs that offer exclusive discounts, personalized deals, and reward points to their devoted customers. Signing up for these programs allows you to enjoy these benefits, resulting in more money saved. Visit websites like Kroger, Safeway, or Target to access their loyalty programs that can significantly impact your overall grocery budget.

5. Shop Seasonal Produce

Shopping for seasonal produce helps you save money as seasonal products tend to be more abundant and affordable than off-season items. Familiarize yourself with the seasonal cycles of fruits and vegetables, and plan your meals around what’s fresh and cost-effective. Websites like can be handy in keeping you updated on what’s currently in season in your local area.

6. Leverage Digital Coupons

Say goodbye to the days of clipping paper coupons—and say hello to digital coupons, the latest money-saving trend. Many grocery stores offer apps or online platforms where you can easily browse and digitally clip coupons. Websites like and RetailMeNot offer an extensive range of digital coupons for various products that will help you stretch your budget further.

7. Buy in Bulk, Smartly

Bulk buying can be a cost-effective strategy, but it requires careful consideration. Choose to purchase non-perishable items, such as grains, pasta, and canned goods, in larger quantities to benefit from lower unit prices. But exercise caution when it comes to perishable items to avoid unnecessary waste. Warehouse clubs like Costco and Sam’s Club are excellent wholesale options, offering significant savings on a variety of products that let you create fabulous meals like vegetable stew.

8. Buy Generic and Store Brands

One of the simplest and most effective ways to cut costs at the grocery store is by buying generic or store brands over brand names. These products typically provide comparable quality to their brand-name counterparts but at a significantly lower cost. Whether it’s pantry staples or household items, choosing generic and store brands can significantly reduce your overall grocery spending.

9. Take Advantage of Cashback Apps

Modern technology has brought about innovative ways to save money on groceries—cashback apps being one of them. Ibotta and Rakuten are examples of cashback apps that allow you to earn a small percentage of your money back on your purchases. Simply scan your receipts or link your loyalty cards to these apps, and you can accumulate cashback rewards that can be redeemed for gift cards or even cash.

10. Be Flexible with Brands

Flexibility is key when trying to save money at the grocery store, so instead of being loyal to one brand, consider trying different brands for similar products. Often, you’ll find that alternatives are just as satisfying, and they may come with a more budget-friendly price tag. Rise to the occasion with 12 easy baking powder substitute Options you should try this tip.

A couple shopping for food
Shopping for food. Photo credit: Depositphotos

11. Avoid Shopping When Hungry

One of the oldest tricks in the book is to never shop on an empty stomach. When hungry, the temptation to grab snacks and non-essential items skyrockets, resulting in a higher grocery bill. Make sure to eat a satisfying meal before hitting the store to help you stick to your shopping list and avoid unnecessary expenses.

12. Freeze and Preserve Perishables

Minimize food waste and extend the life of perishable items by making the most out of your freezer for Best Clean Eating. Take advantage of sales to buy in bulk and freeze items like meats, vegetables, and fruits. You can also consider preserving fruits and vegetables through canning or pickling to enjoy them beyond their typical shelf life.

13. Shop Online for Non-Perishables

Many online retailers offer competitive prices and discounts, so shopping online for non-perishables will save you the most money, especially if you buy in bulk. Websites like Amazon or can be convenient and cost-effective alternatives for pantry staples and household essentials.

14. Follow Your Store on Social Media

Following your local grocery store’s page on social media will allow you to stay informed about the latest deals, discounts, and promotions. Many supermarkets also use online platforms to share exclusive offers or announce sales events, so make sure to always keep an eye out for these things. 

15. Educate Yourself on Price-Matching Policies

Some stores offer price-matching policies, where they match a competitor’s lower price for the same item. Familiarize yourself with these policies to snag the best deals and maximize your savings. In some cases, grocery stores may even match online prices, providing additional opportunities to save money.

Saving money at the grocery store involves making clever decisions, planning, and staying well-informed. By knowing what you need to buy and maximizing sales and coupons, you’ll get to see your grocery bills shrink while still enjoying delicious and healthy meals. Start adopting these 15 strategies into your shopping routine, and watch your budget stretch further without sacrificing quality.

About the author
Jennifer Allen
Jennifer Allen is a retired professional chef and long-time writer. Her writing appears in dozens of publications, and she has two cookbooks, Keto Soup Cookbook and Keto Diabetic Cookbook and Meal Plan. These days, she’s busy in the kitchen, developing recipes for various publications and traveling. You can find all her best recipes at

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